142 Queenston Street Public Engagement
The City of St. Catharines has received applications for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision for the lands addressed as 142 Queenston Street (former St. Catharines General Hospital site).
The amendments are required to permit a proposed development consisting of four mixed-use buildings, with heights ranging from 11 to 16 storeys, along with 40 townhouses. A total of 1,131 units are proposed, along with 1,234m2 of commercial floor area. The lands would be divided into five development blocks, with Valleyview Road being extended through the site to connect with Queenston Street (at Prince). A total of 858 parking stalls are proposed, most underground. The plan to the right illustrates the layout of the proposed development.
The City’s Official Plan currently designates the subject lands as Medium Density Residential. The applicant has requested an Official Plan Amendment to re-designate the lands to Mixed Use to permit the proposed uses, height and density.
The City’s Zoning By-law currently zones the subject lands Medium Density Residential with Special Provision and Holding Provision (R3-82-H1). The applicant has requested the subject lands be rezoned to High Density Mixed Use, with Special Provision and Holding Provision (M2-82-H1) to permit the proposed uses and density, as well as amending the site-specific provisions for building setbacks, lot frontage, and parking.
Public Engagement
The City hosted an in-person public open house on April 6 at St. Catharines Collegiate. Thank you to those who attended to browse the plans and studies submitted by the applicant, and for any feedback.
The City continues to accept questions and comments via EngageSTC using the engagement tool below or you can contact Scott Ritchie, senior planner, at 905.688.5601, ext. 1722, or email sritchie@stcatharines.ca.
Copies of all plans and documents may be viewed by visiting stcatharines.ca/development and accessing the folder titled 142 Queenston Street. Please note that the information submitted with this application is preliminary. Additional or revised information may be uploaded to the City’s website via the link above as it becomes available.
The City will also update its website and EngageSTC with any further public engagement opportunities, including the legislate public meeting on the applications, at which time City Council will consider a staff report, recommendations and make a decision.
The City of St. Catharines has received applications for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision for the lands addressed as 142 Queenston Street (former St. Catharines General Hospital site).
The amendments are required to permit a proposed development consisting of four mixed-use buildings, with heights ranging from 11 to 16 storeys, along with 40 townhouses. A total of 1,131 units are proposed, along with 1,234m2 of commercial floor area. The lands would be divided into five development blocks, with Valleyview Road being extended through the site to connect with Queenston Street (at Prince). A total of 858 parking stalls are proposed, most underground. The plan to the right illustrates the layout of the proposed development.
The City’s Official Plan currently designates the subject lands as Medium Density Residential. The applicant has requested an Official Plan Amendment to re-designate the lands to Mixed Use to permit the proposed uses, height and density.
The City’s Zoning By-law currently zones the subject lands Medium Density Residential with Special Provision and Holding Provision (R3-82-H1). The applicant has requested the subject lands be rezoned to High Density Mixed Use, with Special Provision and Holding Provision (M2-82-H1) to permit the proposed uses and density, as well as amending the site-specific provisions for building setbacks, lot frontage, and parking.
Public Engagement
The City hosted an in-person public open house on April 6 at St. Catharines Collegiate. Thank you to those who attended to browse the plans and studies submitted by the applicant, and for any feedback.
The City continues to accept questions and comments via EngageSTC using the engagement tool below or you can contact Scott Ritchie, senior planner, at 905.688.5601, ext. 1722, or email sritchie@stcatharines.ca.
Copies of all plans and documents may be viewed by visiting stcatharines.ca/development and accessing the folder titled 142 Queenston Street. Please note that the information submitted with this application is preliminary. Additional or revised information may be uploaded to the City’s website via the link above as it becomes available.
The City will also update its website and EngageSTC with any further public engagement opportunities, including the legislate public meeting on the applications, at which time City Council will consider a staff report, recommendations and make a decision.
Share your thoughts or questions
In addition to the legislative public meeting, the City is welcoming any comments or questions on the proposed applications. Please share any input, or ask the senior planner any questions or clarifications in the form below.
Share As a homeowner in the Queenston neighbourhood who is eager to see this development, I am wondering where this project currently stands, and if it is still moving forward. Can any update be provided? Were there any highlights from the open house? I was unable to attend. on Facebook Share As a homeowner in the Queenston neighbourhood who is eager to see this development, I am wondering where this project currently stands, and if it is still moving forward. Can any update be provided? Were there any highlights from the open house? I was unable to attend. on Twitter Share As a homeowner in the Queenston neighbourhood who is eager to see this development, I am wondering where this project currently stands, and if it is still moving forward. Can any update be provided? Were there any highlights from the open house? I was unable to attend. on Linkedin Email As a homeowner in the Queenston neighbourhood who is eager to see this development, I am wondering where this project currently stands, and if it is still moving forward. Can any update be provided? Were there any highlights from the open house? I was unable to attend. link
As a homeowner in the Queenston neighbourhood who is eager to see this development, I am wondering where this project currently stands, and if it is still moving forward. Can any update be provided? Were there any highlights from the open house? I was unable to attend.
j1995 asked over 1 year agoThe land owner received feedback on a range of matters at the Open House including housing affordability, parking; building design and other matters. City staff are awaiting updated development plans for the site. No further submissions have yet been received since the Open House. Once a revised design submission is received, it will be shared on this page.
Share 1131 units and 858 parking spaces pretty much guarantees that any commercial entities will fail, as there is very limited local parking. It is hard to imagine today that any unit would not require at least one, and often two parking spots. on Facebook Share 1131 units and 858 parking spaces pretty much guarantees that any commercial entities will fail, as there is very limited local parking. It is hard to imagine today that any unit would not require at least one, and often two parking spots. on Twitter Share 1131 units and 858 parking spaces pretty much guarantees that any commercial entities will fail, as there is very limited local parking. It is hard to imagine today that any unit would not require at least one, and often two parking spots. on Linkedin Email 1131 units and 858 parking spaces pretty much guarantees that any commercial entities will fail, as there is very limited local parking. It is hard to imagine today that any unit would not require at least one, and often two parking spots. link
1131 units and 858 parking spaces pretty much guarantees that any commercial entities will fail, as there is very limited local parking. It is hard to imagine today that any unit would not require at least one, and often two parking spots.
Grubbly asked over 1 year agoYou are correct that as currently proposed, not all units within the proposed development would be provided with a parking stall. Further clarification is needed regarding how much of the proposed parking would be allocated to the planned commercial uses. City staff are awaiting a design resubmission from the property owner which may include changes to the parking strategy for this project.
Share When is the development actually supposed to start? on Facebook Share When is the development actually supposed to start? on Twitter Share When is the development actually supposed to start? on Linkedin Email When is the development actually supposed to start? link
When is the development actually supposed to start?
CJOHN2 asked over 1 year agoWe don't yet know how quickly development on the site will commence. City staff are awaiting a design resubmission from the land owner.
Share Is this an affordable housing project? What is considered affordable in this city? Will this benefit the residents of Merritton ward or just benifit developers? How will the city be looking to address our homelessness crisis? Will the city be looking to pursue policy to further harass the homeless population like in Vancouver or is there actually a plan to end homelessness in the city that accounts for human rights and dignity? Where Indigenous peoples consulted as this construction is taking place on stolen land? on Facebook Share Is this an affordable housing project? What is considered affordable in this city? Will this benefit the residents of Merritton ward or just benifit developers? How will the city be looking to address our homelessness crisis? Will the city be looking to pursue policy to further harass the homeless population like in Vancouver or is there actually a plan to end homelessness in the city that accounts for human rights and dignity? Where Indigenous peoples consulted as this construction is taking place on stolen land? on Twitter Share Is this an affordable housing project? What is considered affordable in this city? Will this benefit the residents of Merritton ward or just benifit developers? How will the city be looking to address our homelessness crisis? Will the city be looking to pursue policy to further harass the homeless population like in Vancouver or is there actually a plan to end homelessness in the city that accounts for human rights and dignity? Where Indigenous peoples consulted as this construction is taking place on stolen land? on Linkedin Email Is this an affordable housing project? What is considered affordable in this city? Will this benefit the residents of Merritton ward or just benifit developers? How will the city be looking to address our homelessness crisis? Will the city be looking to pursue policy to further harass the homeless population like in Vancouver or is there actually a plan to end homelessness in the city that accounts for human rights and dignity? Where Indigenous peoples consulted as this construction is taking place on stolen land? link
Is this an affordable housing project? What is considered affordable in this city? Will this benefit the residents of Merritton ward or just benifit developers? How will the city be looking to address our homelessness crisis? Will the city be looking to pursue policy to further harass the homeless population like in Vancouver or is there actually a plan to end homelessness in the city that accounts for human rights and dignity? Where Indigenous peoples consulted as this construction is taking place on stolen land?
Rinithy asked almost 2 years agoThe applicant has not indicated if any portion of the proposed development would be operated as affordable housing. The Province recently approved legislation that defines affordable rental units as those with a rent no greater than 80% of the average market rents.
I unfortunately cannot provide a fulsome answer to your second question. The neighbourhood is certainly home to diverse communities, including vulnerable persons, and the impact of the proposed development on these communities and their needs will need to be considered. The proposed development includes the creation of a significant number of new housing units, but there is no indication at this time that any of these new units would directly help to alleviate homelessness. This remains and ongoing challenge.
In terms of consultation with indigenous communities, the City does have a duty to consult. We will confirm if the property or project is of interest and communicate any feedback received to City Council..
Share How will the adjacent Pierpoint Park be integrated with the project and any of the anticipated greenspace? Are there opportunities to promote additional use of this wonderful park? on Facebook Share How will the adjacent Pierpoint Park be integrated with the project and any of the anticipated greenspace? Are there opportunities to promote additional use of this wonderful park? on Twitter Share How will the adjacent Pierpoint Park be integrated with the project and any of the anticipated greenspace? Are there opportunities to promote additional use of this wonderful park? on Linkedin Email How will the adjacent Pierpoint Park be integrated with the project and any of the anticipated greenspace? Are there opportunities to promote additional use of this wonderful park? link
How will the adjacent Pierpoint Park be integrated with the project and any of the anticipated greenspace? Are there opportunities to promote additional use of this wonderful park?
skatee asked almost 2 years agoThe submitted plans contemplate a future walkway/stair connection between the old hospital site and Oakdale Avenue to provide a more direct path of travel to the Pierpont Park. The feasibility of this connection requires further review.
Share I apologize if this question is answered in the provided documents, I am unable to open them on my phone. How many of these units will be geared to income or subsidized in any way? Thank you on Facebook Share I apologize if this question is answered in the provided documents, I am unable to open them on my phone. How many of these units will be geared to income or subsidized in any way? Thank you on Twitter Share I apologize if this question is answered in the provided documents, I am unable to open them on my phone. How many of these units will be geared to income or subsidized in any way? Thank you on Linkedin Email I apologize if this question is answered in the provided documents, I am unable to open them on my phone. How many of these units will be geared to income or subsidized in any way? Thank you link
I apologize if this question is answered in the provided documents, I am unable to open them on my phone. How many of these units will be geared to income or subsidized in any way? Thank you
H asked almost 2 years agoWe do not know if any of the units would be operated as affordable housing at this time. Affordable housing is encouraged and the City does offer some financial incentives to make the delivery of these units more viable, but no commitments have been made at this time.
Share Will this be more ‘luxury condo’ rentals or will there finally be affordable housing available to help combat the current rent and housing crisis? on Facebook Share Will this be more ‘luxury condo’ rentals or will there finally be affordable housing available to help combat the current rent and housing crisis? on Twitter Share Will this be more ‘luxury condo’ rentals or will there finally be affordable housing available to help combat the current rent and housing crisis? on Linkedin Email Will this be more ‘luxury condo’ rentals or will there finally be affordable housing available to help combat the current rent and housing crisis? link
Will this be more ‘luxury condo’ rentals or will there finally be affordable housing available to help combat the current rent and housing crisis?
mars asked almost 2 years agoWe have no information at this time on expected sale/rental prices for the various buildings that would make up the project. The applicant has not suggested that the units would be 'luxury condos', but that is a possibility.
Share Why isn't the impact on low income earners or homeless people who need somewhere to live addressed in this? on Facebook Share Why isn't the impact on low income earners or homeless people who need somewhere to live addressed in this? on Twitter Share Why isn't the impact on low income earners or homeless people who need somewhere to live addressed in this? on Linkedin Email Why isn't the impact on low income earners or homeless people who need somewhere to live addressed in this? link
Why isn't the impact on low income earners or homeless people who need somewhere to live addressed in this?
Fredy asked almost 2 years agoThe former hospital property was sold to private interests for redevelopment. The current owner has proposed to construct a mixed-use development with a significant number of new housing units, but there is no indication at that this time that the proposal would include support services for vulnerable communities. We will relay this concern to the applicant.
Share Will the city be putting forth incentives for subsidized housing on this land? Why or why not? on Facebook Share Will the city be putting forth incentives for subsidized housing on this land? Why or why not? on Twitter Share Will the city be putting forth incentives for subsidized housing on this land? Why or why not? on Linkedin Email Will the city be putting forth incentives for subsidized housing on this land? Why or why not? link
Will the city be putting forth incentives for subsidized housing on this land? Why or why not?
Latour.Mooney asked almost 2 years agoYes, the City does offer financial incentives to promote the construction of affordable housing units. This includes exemptions from Development Charges and Community Benefit Charges for affordable housing units. The City's Community Improvement Plan can also offer property tax incentives for certain projects that align with priorities including the clean-up of contaminated sites, heritage conservation, and the creation of affordable housing.
Share This development should not be allowed to go forward without a signifigant percentage of RGI rental units. If the developer is proposing something that goes against the interests of the community, then the city should expropriate the lands and wait for a developer that will build RGI and space for community supports at storefront level. The city recently declared a "crisis" of homelessness, addiction, and mental health. A proposal like this will make this crisis worse by further displacing people and making extreme poverty more concentrated. The planning and development process needs to take social factors into account as its decisions have an impact on healthcare, social services, shelters, and policing, and related public costs. This community does not need luxury condos and this proposal will harm the interests of the general community while benefiting a small minority of outside investors. Cancel and expropriate. on Facebook Share This development should not be allowed to go forward without a signifigant percentage of RGI rental units. If the developer is proposing something that goes against the interests of the community, then the city should expropriate the lands and wait for a developer that will build RGI and space for community supports at storefront level. The city recently declared a "crisis" of homelessness, addiction, and mental health. A proposal like this will make this crisis worse by further displacing people and making extreme poverty more concentrated. The planning and development process needs to take social factors into account as its decisions have an impact on healthcare, social services, shelters, and policing, and related public costs. This community does not need luxury condos and this proposal will harm the interests of the general community while benefiting a small minority of outside investors. Cancel and expropriate. on Twitter Share This development should not be allowed to go forward without a signifigant percentage of RGI rental units. If the developer is proposing something that goes against the interests of the community, then the city should expropriate the lands and wait for a developer that will build RGI and space for community supports at storefront level. The city recently declared a "crisis" of homelessness, addiction, and mental health. A proposal like this will make this crisis worse by further displacing people and making extreme poverty more concentrated. The planning and development process needs to take social factors into account as its decisions have an impact on healthcare, social services, shelters, and policing, and related public costs. This community does not need luxury condos and this proposal will harm the interests of the general community while benefiting a small minority of outside investors. Cancel and expropriate. on Linkedin Email This development should not be allowed to go forward without a signifigant percentage of RGI rental units. If the developer is proposing something that goes against the interests of the community, then the city should expropriate the lands and wait for a developer that will build RGI and space for community supports at storefront level. The city recently declared a "crisis" of homelessness, addiction, and mental health. A proposal like this will make this crisis worse by further displacing people and making extreme poverty more concentrated. The planning and development process needs to take social factors into account as its decisions have an impact on healthcare, social services, shelters, and policing, and related public costs. This community does not need luxury condos and this proposal will harm the interests of the general community while benefiting a small minority of outside investors. Cancel and expropriate. link
This development should not be allowed to go forward without a signifigant percentage of RGI rental units. If the developer is proposing something that goes against the interests of the community, then the city should expropriate the lands and wait for a developer that will build RGI and space for community supports at storefront level. The city recently declared a "crisis" of homelessness, addiction, and mental health. A proposal like this will make this crisis worse by further displacing people and making extreme poverty more concentrated. The planning and development process needs to take social factors into account as its decisions have an impact on healthcare, social services, shelters, and policing, and related public costs. This community does not need luxury condos and this proposal will harm the interests of the general community while benefiting a small minority of outside investors. Cancel and expropriate.
Patrick Clohessy asked almost 2 years agoThank you for you comments and concerns. The City does not have the authority to require the construction of RGI housing, but we do have financial incentives to promote the construction of affordable housing units. If the proposed development is approved, the applicant would be encouraged to integrate affordable housing into the project.
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Email sritchie@stcatharines.ca